Unveiling our new Islamic Art collection
Waqas and Sameera unveil their new Islamic Art collection “illumination” at Lake house art centre, Takapuna Auckland. It’s their first in Auckland. Experience the beauty of unique Islamic Art and speak to the artists.
Lake House Art, Takapuna
Auckland, New Zealand
18 – 31 March 2023

What is Islamic Art?
Arabic Calligraphy in combination with ornamental motifs and geometric patterns is Islamic Art. The ornamentation is used to illuminate/decorate/beautify Arabic calligraphy.
Arabic Calligraphy is one of the world’s most ancient and respected art forms which has a history of more than 2,000 years. Arabic calligraphy was originally a tool for communication, but with time, it began to be used in architecture, decoration and coin design.
There are repeating elements in Islamic art, such as the use of stylized, geometrical floral or vegetal designs in a repetition known as the arabesque. The arabesque in Islamic art is often used to symbolize the transcendent, indivisible and infinite nature of God. Some scholars believe that mistakes in repetitions may be intentionally introduced as a show of humility by artists who believe only God can produce perfection.

Why is our exhibit called ‘Illumination’?
‘Dhikar’ is the remembrance of Allāh (God), and it illuminates the heart. One feels comfort, satisfaction, and contentment in Dhikar. ‘Tasbihaat’ are the specific words Dhikar that Muslims learn at an early age, and use in daily life without even thinking. Tasbihaat are embedded in our speech and thoughts, and a Muslim’s relationship with these words makes them unique and powerful, such that they deserve to be written in gold.
For example:
Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
“I start with the name of Allah, the most Gracious and Merciful”.
A Muslim will start each action with these words.
Subhan Allāh سبحان الله
“Glory be to Allāh”.
Muslims will remember God upon seeing something beautiful or extraordinary (for example mountains, clouds, or flowers) – Glory be to Allāh, who has created this so beautifully.
Allāhu Akbar الله أكبر
“God is Great”.
And the list goes on.
We thought of expressing our day-to-day Islamic phrases through Art and the first word that came to mind was “illumination” – as Dhikar of Allāh illuminate our hearts, the words illuminate the canvas.
أَلَا بِذِكْرِ الله تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ …
‘No doubt the heart finds peace only in remembrance of Allāh”
A prayer for anxiety and dissatisfaction, the above Quranic verse clearly reveals that there is peace of mind when you remember Allāh.

The approach to ‘Illumination’
We have used a fresh and bright colour palette for the backgrounds, taking inspiration from the cosmos. The gold foil illuminates the calligraphy and the painting overall. It not only renders a rich and vibrant calligraphy composition but also resonates with the idea of illumination – a reflective surface that aesthetically soothes the eyes and the heart.
The Illumination calligraphy series makes use of the Al-Sunbali script, which is a modern script with a dynamic character.
Language is not necessary to appreciate Art. The same is true of Islamic Art – one doesn’t need to know or understand the Arabic language to see the beauty. We hope Illumination and our Arabic other calligraphy artworks resonate with Aotearoa.
We are open to collaboration and keen to work on community projects. Contact Waqas and Sameera to discuss this.